To be able to fully fulfill the given responsibility, ‘A-Better-Tomorrow’ Youth Development Foundation is strictly and fully committed to the following missions


     This teaching and training mission covers two major areas: 1. The Spiritual and 2. The Physical


a. Character Development

     We labour both in Prayer and in the Ministry of the Word to see that godly character is fully developed in the lives of youths with the aim of building and raising tomorrow’s God-fearing and successful spiritual and secular leaders.- Gal. 4:19

b. Effective Prayer Life

     We receive the vision to teach and train Christian Youths to pray as Jesus taught His disciple and in obedience to our Christ-given express instruction to “teaching them to observe ALL (including prayer)…”- Matt. 28:18-20.

     We do this:   

     To develop youths’ interest and total trust in prayer- an act of absolute dependence on god, on both a small, seemingly easy to-handle and big difficult, and seemingly humanly impossible matters;

     To teach them “to pray” (and not “how to pray”).- We motivate believers to pray by showing them the importance and benefits of prayer;

    To develop in them the spirit of persistence in prayer.- We teach and train believers, through different medium, to be and become courageously persistent (if need be) in prayer until the expected answers are received;

     To teach them to pray aright.- We do not teach people to only pray and be persistent in praying, but, more importantly, to pray aright, so as to b getting answers to their prayers on a regular basis;

    To develop and motivate Christian youths to pray, not only on their personal requests, but for others also.

    This is one of the mediums we use to raise effective, faithful, and fruitful intercessors, and to mobilize and multiply intercessions in Churches/Christian Organizations and around the world.

   This teaching and training addresses three (3) major kinds of prayers:

1. Petition Prayer-

     This is a prayer prayed to ask God for personal help or guidance like Hannah.

2. Intercessory Prayer-

       Prayer made on behalf of others or/and on the land (nations and the leaders)- I Tim. 2:1-4

3. Spiritual Warfare Prayer-

     This is the act of drawing down the strong hands of God

-In Casting Out demonic spirit behind sickness etc

-In Pulling Down Satan’s strongholds and territorial forces ruling and influencing an individual or area against the penetration of the Gospel

-Judging And Eliminating demonic power behind witchcraft and occult.

     We teach and train youths on prayer for the purpose of strengthening their relationship with God, raising effective intercessors and to mobilize aggressive intercession and spiritual warfare, particularly, for conversion of souls, and to cause revival among believers.

     This teaching and training aspect is largely coordinated by the intercessory arm of the ‘Real-Life’ Missions International (RMI), called: “’Nations-Builder’ Prayer Network” (NPNet)

c. Effective Soul-winning

    We teach and train youths on an effective “Power Evangelism”, that is the presentation of the Gospel in demonstration of supernatural power and gifts of the Holy Spirit in signs, healing, deliverance, and working of miracles, simply with the purpose of

Raising effective and fruitful committed soul-winners for effective evangelisation of their generations for God;

Creating soul-winning awareness and

Mobilize soul-winning exercise in the body of Christ.

d. Divine Placement and Endowment.

     We teach, train and challenge and encourage youth believers to discover their God-given areas of services, to develop themselves and their discovered potentials and fully discharge their responsibilities and utilize  their given resources for the expansion of God’s kingdom and the benefits of mankind.

e. A Victorious Fear-Free Life

     We help Christian youths to realize and enjoy their victory in Christ and to adequately exercise their Christ-given power and authority over sin, Satan, his agents and contrary circumstances.

     We emphasize the fact that, based on God’s covenant with His people (Josh. 1:5; Isa. 54:15,17; I Cor. 10:13), and Scriptural examples- (Josh. 2:24; Acts 19:15), a true child of God is meant to be well recognised, that is, to be feared and obeyed by Satan, and his agents.



We are committed to empower young men and women in the following areas:

a. Healthy Lifestyle.

     We inform people on the necessity (God's desire) for and the key (ways) to experiencing and enjoying a healthy lifestyle.

     We recognize and emphasize the fact that “a healthy lifestyle is the only key to obtaining a true and lasting wealth/success in any area of life.”

b. Business Excellence & Financial Prosperity.

     We encourage and show people, especially young men and women, how to start a business of their own with little or no capital.

     That it is not necessarily needed for them to wait until they get huge amount of money before they can start and build a source of income and experience financial freedom.

     And also, we give them all necessary available support for them to be able build their own business empire, so as for them to be able to be self-sustained and experience and enjoy a wealthy lifestyle on earth.

c. Academic Excellence.

     We gather youths together to be taught on ALL it takes to obtain academic success, either in Secondary School level or Tertiary Institutions.

d. Marriage and Family Life.

      We gather young men and women together

    for Godly counsel on the need and how to keep themselves pure for a glorious future- II Tim.  2:20-23;

     to teach them on how to have the very suitable life partner in marriage as husband and wife;

   ■to show them the Biblical ways of managing and running the home for a peaceful and prosperous heaven-on-earth family.

e. ‘The Real Woman of Worth’.

      The Real Woman of Worth is a women wing of the ‘Real-life’ Missions International (RMI), coordinated by the General Missions Coordinator’s Help Meet in the person of Olaitan. I. Susan.

     The Real Woman of Worth (REWOW) exists:

    To stand by the barren, both spiritually and physically for the miracle of the womb;

   ■to enlighten the pregnant women on both spiritual and physical steps to a safe delivery;

   ■to minister physical materials to the needy women/homes.

     In summary, REWOW aims at teaching young women:

     To be, become and remain good ‘Wives’ to their husbands and responsible ‘Mothers’ to their children at Home- Titus 2:2-5;

     To be, become and remain efficient, effective and constructive “Prophetesses” (Workers) to the Body of Christ (in the Church); and

     To be life-imparting ‘Judges’ in and to the society, like Deborah the ‘Wife’ of Lappidoth, The ‘Prophetess’ and the ‘Judge’ in Israel- Jgs. 4:4.

(Obtain the “Understanding The Rea Woman of Worth” write up for detail)


     We support the less privileged, especially, the orphans, to see that they have all it takes to live a meaningful life.

     We also gather the drug addicts and the like for the purpose of lending them all the necessary (including spiritual and physical) supports for them to be able to have a purposeful life, and live a meaningful life on earth.


     We get ourselves and others motivated and mobilized individually on a regular basis, and collectively during our meetings and special praise worship programmes, to praise and thank God for who He His, what He has done, what He is doing and what He will still do both in and through our lives.

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